Thursday, March 20, 2014

26 The Best Foods for Bodybuilders and Fitness

Bodybuilders often split their food intake for the day into 5 to 7 meals of roughly equal nutritional content and attempt to eat at regular intervals (e.g. every 2 to 3 hours). This method can serve two purposes: to limit overindulging in the cutting phase, and to physically allow for the consumption of large volumes of food during the bulking phase. Contrary to popular belief, eating more frequently does not increase basal metabolic rate when compared to the traditional 3 meals a day. While food does have a metabolic cost to digest, absorb, and store, called the thermic effect of food,
it depends on the quantity and type of food, not how the food is spread across the meals of the day. Well-controlled studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly labeled water have demonstrated that there is no metabolic advantage to eating more frequently

  1.  Eggs or Egg Whites
  2. Steak (grilled) and Chicken (broiled or grilled)
  3. Milk and Orange Juice
  4. Lean Beef (grilled or broiled) for hamburgers
  5. Canned Tuna or Canned Chicken Breasts
  6. Peanut Butter
  7. Wheat or White Bread (wheat is preferred for leaning up)
  8. Potatoes (mashed or baked)
  9. Vegetables and Fruits
  10. Salads
  11. Cold Cuts
  12. Cereal (only unsweetened and/or high fiber cereals)
  13. Tea
  14. Fish (baked, grilled or broiled)
  15. Rice (brown rice or wild rice)(steamed)
  16. Yogurt
  17. Nuts and Seeds
  18. Wild-game Meat
  19. Lean Ham
  20. Cottage Cheese
  21. Beans
  22. Pasta & Legumes
  23. Sweet Potato
  24. Low-Fat Cheese and Salad Dressings
  25. Olive, Canola, or Flaxseed (vascularity) oil
  26. Oatmeal and Grits (w/o butter)

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